Average rating - 6,5 / 10 Stars.
Genre - Horror, Drama.
Duration - 108 Min.
7715 Vote
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Just saw this at the Fantasia Film Festival and gotta say I regretted staying to the end. The first half was absolutely promising with an eerie atmosphere but once the hugely illogical story-line comes into play, I was praying for a brilliant twist at the end to explain all my questions. Suffice it to say, the twist was moronic and hugely unsatisfying. Acting, especially from Riley, was quite strong and poor Alicia Silverstone must be desperate for cash these days as her bit role was completely throwaway and required very little from her.
Yet another disappointment from the half-baked faux-goth bro-sis team. Let's hope this is their last film.
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I was quite excited with this movie and just saw it at the Lisbon International Horror Filme Festival.
In fact, this movie seemed really brilliant on its first half, building tension and causing some doubts on the audience about the existence of paranormal stuff going on or not. The problem is exactly the storyline, really confusing and lacking some explanations on the second half of the movie and the slow pace.
Final twist was expected to save the day but it was the opposite.
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